Sunday, July 17, 2011


Yes, I know I have not been a consistent blogger these days.  In December I was sick.  In January, I got cast in Tartuffe.  In March and April the kids were out of school more than they were in.  Then I was cast as Laurie in Oklahoma.  Then school let out and now I have a part-time job and kids out of school for the summer.  I'm going to try to be a bit more consistent but time will tell.

I also have found some blogs that are keeping me busy.  I'll spare you the craft blogs - I like them.  I want to make the cute, lovely, crafty things I see on them.  I lack a craft store and supplies, so I simply look at them and wish.

This blog is torturing me.  Random Abs.  I hate doing core exercises.  I am putting on some (just some) of the weight I lost doing shows.  I have yet to make it through a complete routine (there is a new one every day) but I try to do at least half.

Best title for a blog - Rage Against the Minivan. I've been reading "best of" and generally poking around a good portion of this blog.  One of my favorite recent postings is this one - The Lengths I Will Go to, to Avoid Making a Phone Call.  I don't think I would go quite this far, but I'd come close.

And if you are interested in Christian and inter-religious dialogue and liberal Christianity doesn't make you flip your lid, I like Rachel Held Evans. I enjoyed 12 ways to make Arminianism Cool again.

You might like some of these.  You may not.  Just thought I'd share some of what I'm finding on the web these days.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel is one of my favorite bloggers right now.
