Saturday, March 26, 2011

Guess Who

From the very beginning, church has been an important part of our family life.  We miss very few Sunday worship services, not out of a sense of legalism, but because church is where we desire to be.

When I was working at Christ Church and St. Stephen's it was no contest to answer the question - guess who in our family spends the most time at church?  However, the answer to that question has changed.

Now I help with Sunday worship (I make announcements, set up the offering, say a prayer, etc) and serve on the Parish Council.  Kyle is participating in a small group study.  Kyra attends worship and occasionally youth group on Tuesdays.

Guess who in our family spends the most time at church?  Allen.

I realized this a few weeks ago when I was delivering Allen's dinner to the church yet again.  After school Allen runs track.  After track on Tuesday he goes to youth group called Club Beyond.  After track on Wednesday he goes to small group Bible study.  After track on Thursday he has practice for the worship band.  On Sunday he arrives at church early to set up the equipment and sound and then plays for the worship service.

I am so pleased that Allen truly desires to be in Christian community and serve in this way.  None of this is duty nor drudgery (nor is there a girlfriend involved).

Being involved in church life can get overwhelming.  For some it can turn into legalism.  I hope it never becomes that for Allen but continues to be a way he lives out his faith and desire to know and love Jesus.

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